General ship supply is the core and backbone of our business and the service in which we are unrivalled in Central African region. Our range of food and beverage supplies is almost infinite: From local products to a huge range of specialties from all over the world. More than 13,000 different food and beverage items are permanently in our inventory. Purchasing high- quality stock items from renowned European wholesalers and having good relations with them as well, aligns with our vision. The vision to supply our customer with the stable and high quality that they deserve, while still being able to be very competitive on a price level with our competitors. This supply chain design makes us stand out from the crowd, and leaves us unrivalled in the West and Central African shipchandling sector from a price-quality point of view. The general ship supply services that we are offering consist of the following :

Bonded stores

As an addition to dry and frozen provisions, we are able to offer bonded stores to the vessels due to our highly reduced prices. Using this competitive advantage enables us to offer a very competitive service to the vessels. Items include beer, wine, all kinds of snacks, cigarettes, cigars and tobacco. All kinds of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages up to the highest standards. We also supply perfumes, cosmetics, clothing, travelling products, deodorants and many other competitively priced bonded items.

Technical stores

Our technical department tries to meet all the customer's demands. For that reason we have many technical stores items on stock in our technical warehouse. Our Technical Department delivers all deck, engine, electrical stores, stationery, medical supplies/nautical equipment: Ropes/hawsers, marine painting equipment, pneumatic/electrical tools, machinery equipment, screws/nuts, and measuring tools. By having so, we are able to deliver these items in very short time and by buying in bulk we are able to reduce the price per item in comparison to many of our competitors who have a more limited selection of technical stores stock items. This is how we differentiate ourselves and show that we are a one-stop shop for our customers. This is especially important for technical stores as they can sometimes mean the difference between vessels having to stay in a dry dock for one (or more) extra day(s).

Also see the Ship Repair, Safety Survey and Off-Shore supply pages.